
News & Events

Australia-Korea Higher Education Forum on 8 June



This forum combines Australian and Korean participants in a forward-looking discussion on the post-COVID implications for the higher education sector, including research trends and collaborative opportunities. It forms part of a series of events marking the 60th anniversary of Australia-Korea diplomatic relations. This forum will commence at 1400 Korean Standard Time / 1500PM AEST and will be conducted in English only.


한-호 수교 60주년 기념의 일환으로 개최되는 Australia-Korea Higher Education Forum 은 코로나19팬데믹의 고등교육부분에 끼친 영향 및 각국 대학의 대처방안과 포스트 코로나 시대의 맞춘 미래지향적인 온라인 및 하이브리드 학습모델과 각국의 대학 간의 연구 협업 및 상업화의 추세를 논의하고자 합니다.본 온라인 포럼은 6월 8일 오후 2:00시 (한국시간)에 영어로 진행됩니다 



Opening remarks

Moderator: Ms Liz Griffin, Executive Director, Australia-Korea Business Council (AKBC)​             

- Hon Simon Crean, Chairman, Australia-Korea Business Council (AKBC)

- H.E. Ms Catherine Raper, Australian Ambassador to the Republic of Korea

- Dr Hyesook LEE, Director-General (International Affairs), Korean Ministry of Education

Session One: Impact of COVID-19 on university delivery models and teaching                          

The pandemic has had a major impact on higher education in Australia and Korea. Both countries are working to define international education strategies under the “new normal”, and to maximise student satisfaction and educational outcomes.  This session will explore how both countries have tackled the challenges of the pandemic, and are adapting through shifts to online and hybrid learning models. Despite the disruptions of COVID-19, what might be new opportunities for higher education linkages between Australia and Korea?

- Dr Hong-kyu HWANG, Secretary-General, Korean Council of University Education (KCUE)

- Ms Catriona Jackson, CEO, Universities Australia

- Q+A

Session Two: National research priorities and collaborative opportunities                                

Technological change, the global pandemic, climate change and demographic challenges are among the factors influencing research priorities in Australia and Korea. The demand for effective collaboration across borders and between government, business and academia to tackle multidisciplinary challenges is perhaps higher than it has ever been. The commercialisation of research also offers the potential to help drive post-pandemic economic recovery. This session will explore current national research priorities and the collaborative opportunities and challenges for the research sector. 

- Ms Vicki Thomson, Chief Executive, Group of Eight (Go8), Australia

- Professor Man-Sung LIM, Associate Vice President (International), Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)

- Q+A

Concluding remarks

- Adam Coin, Counsellor Education and Research, Australian Embassy Seoul

REGISTRATION LINK: Click here to register now.